Contributing to capacity building of developing and using Health Information Systems in Tanzania

NGO development collaboration project

(2017 – 2021)

Working Together

‘Contributing to capacity building of developing and using Health Information Systems in Tanzania’, ‘eHealth’, is an NGO development collaboration project.

The aim is to strengthen the skills and knowledge of Tanzanian healthcare service providers and research communities in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) applications used in health care.

The work is done in collaboration with research partners and umbrella organizations. The project builds on the close cooperation between the actors from Tanzania and Finland.

Sharing Knowledge

The outcomes of the project are applicable to many purposes. There is open access to all materials for further use. You can find guidelines for purchasing HIS (Healthcare Information System) and for utilizing analytical methods in decision making, references for teaching as well as for scientific research and theses, for example. All the reports and publications can be found here.

The on-line workshop series on business intelligence has increased the skills and know-how of the use of the analytical methods in decision making among the participants. Learning is possible also afterwards through the lecture recordings and materials.