The objectives of the work group are supporting and performing joint eHealth research activities and projects, international collaboration and research partnerships, supportive supervision of MSc / PhD dissertations, exchange of students and researchers and sharing ‘Lessons learned’ in earlier international and national research.
Participants and partners
The work group leaders in Tanzania are Lecturer Dr. Dina Machuve, NM-AIST and Lecturer Dr. Honest Kimaro, UDSM. Prof. emerita Pirkko Nykänen, TAU, leads the work group in Finland. The group members are students and researchers involved in participating organizations, health professionals, ICT specialists and eHealth project staff. The team is open to newcomers and wide collaboration.
Nelson Mandela Arfican Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST)
Students of the universities of Dar es Salaam and NM-AIST are interviewing the employees of occupational health care about their experiences of the former information system of the hospital.
Tasks and plans
The tasks of the work group consist of shared research projects and interests and of support for the supervision of Msc/PhD-students. The latest task has been the supervision of the PhD-study of Sarah Nyanjara (NM-AIST). The study topic is ‘Integrated Quality Measurement Model for Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Services in Tanzania’.
The business intelligence online workshops contribution has been provided in 2021 consisting of lectures on data protection and security, legal framework for security and privacy with health related data and standards used in eHealth domain. Support has been provided also for BI exercises and for the road map development. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation both in Finland and in Tanzania no further research activities could be initiated with our Tanzanian colleagues and students.
Results and achievements
The effort of the work group has produced the following reports and studies so far:
- S. Betuel, W. Wambura, N. B. Bairi, P. Makuru, B. Michael, K. Mzava, A Sam, K Kalegele, M Elisante, P Kimollo, M Mahundi, D. Machuve, P. Nykänen, Report on a Preliminary Evaluation Study of User Experiences with Health Information Systems, 2017
- Supporting in supervision of 2 MSc students and Project research awards given for them in 2017: W Wambura, S Betuel
- Articles published based on these awarded MSc-theses:
- Wambura W., Machuve D., Nykänen P., Development of a discharge letter module onto a hospital information system. Journal of health informatics in developing countries 11(2), 2017 https://www.jhidc.org/index.php/jhidc/article/view/168
- Betuel S., Machuve D., Kalegele K., An experiment to analyze performance of virtual private network approach to information exchange between health facilities. Applied medical informatics 39(1-2), 2017, 21-29
Prof Pirkko Nykänen is giving a lecture in NM-AIST on eHealth history and situation in Finland (2018)