Reports and Publications:


Betuel, S., Wambura, W., Bairi, N. B., Makuru, P., Michael, B., Mzava, K., Sam, A., Kalegele, K., Elisante, M., Kimollo, P., Mahundi, M., Machuve, D., Nykänen, P. (2017). Report on a Preliminary Evaluation Study of User Experiences with Health Information Systems.

Wambura, W., Machuve, D., & Nykänen, P. (2017). Development of discharge letter module onto a hospital information systems.Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 11(2).

Betuel, S., Machuve, D., Kalegele, K. (2017). An Experiment to Analyze Performance of Virtual Private Network Approach to Information Exchange between Health Facilities. Applied medical informatics 39(1-2), 2017, 21-29

Finne, A. (2018). Report on the comparison of GoTHOMIS, Care2x and AfyaPro hospital information systems in Tanzania – Technical aspects

Laitinen, A., Kerenge, Koivu, A. (2020). Report of User Experiences of GoTHOMIS, Care2x and AfyaPro. 

Laitinen, A., Koivu, A., Nykänen, P., Kimaro, H. (2020). Healthcare Workers’ eHealth Competences in Private Health Centres in Urban Tanzania. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries 14 1

Laitinen, A., Koivu, A. (2021). Technical Report: Healthcare Workers’ eHealth Competences in Private Health Centres in Urpan Tanzania


Dissertations and Theses:

Balakumar, V. (2019). M.Sc. Thesis. Web-Based Guidelines and Standards for Integrated Health Facility Electronic Management Systems in Tanzania

Peltola, J. (2019). M.Sc. Thesis. On Adoption and Use of Hospital Information Systems in Developing Countries: Experiences of Health Care Personnel and Hospital Management in Tanzania

Pelic, J. K. (2020). M.Sc. Thesis.  Selecting a hospital information system in a developing country: Assessment criteria and systems analysis

Kombe, C. (2020). Doctoral Dissertation. A Secure and Interoperable Blockchain-Based Information Sharing system for Healthcare Providers in Developing Countries

Budde, J. (2021). M.Sc. Thesis. Improving Healthcare Efficiency and Reliability in Tanzania with Mobile Devices